I just wanted to say a few things about RTI. CPS has not fully gotten on board with this initiative so my school is not on board. I think RTI is great on paper, but I have a few problems with it. For one, like many things in education, the government lets things work out. We are demanded to do one thing and just when we think we are comfortable doing that they go and demand something different from us. I'm not complaining because of the work but this really affects students.
One thing I like about RTI is that it has the learner in the center of everything. Students should not have to adapt to our teacher. We should adapt our teaching to the learners. Another thing that I got from the video we watched in class, is that we have to have more than one person, the classroom teacher, assisting our students. I was happy to see the success that this particular school was having with RTI. However, they had many extra people involved. What happens to this program once the extra people leave? I'm afraid that funding from RACE TO THE TOP will be used to support programs that will bring more demands for educators without giving up on others and not offer the appropriate support. I would love to see this money be used to make class sizes smaller and add personal that works directly with students.