Monday, July 14, 2008

Check This Out

I added a blog list to my blog page. This is were I will post blog that I feel are great to check out. Tame The Web is the first one I recommend. It was created by a professor from Dominican University. He writes about libraries, technology and people. From his posts, I gather that he believes that people make the library. He also has many posts on web 2.0. I learned lots from his blog. You should check it out.

LIS 724 Blog Assignment

I am new to the entire blogging community. My younger brother has been encouraging me to try it. He keeps reminding me that I have to on top of what my students are doing. I am glad that this assignment made me make time to actually start this blog. Starting was not as hard as I imagined. One thing that did frustrate me is that you are confined to their templates. I hope to keep playing with this and try new things. I plan to use this in the fall with my students which is why I named it after the school's name. There is much work to be done but this was a great start.