I think our discussion last week was great and very helpful. I think it was obvious that we all agree that inquiry based learning is the best way to create life long learners. Yet from our discussion, there are many obstacles that we as librarians face. The major one seems to be to get other teachers on board with inquiry based learning.
As a CPS librarian, I thought we were in bad shape. Not that I am happy there are struggles elsewhere, but it made things more real to hear the obstacles that others outside the city also face. As I mentioned before, I am working on an inquiry question (How to get others to collaborate using inquiry based learning?)One of the things that I got from our discussion is that it is going to take time and that I must take small steps. Therefore, I walked out of class thinking about how to get started.
I did not have to think about it too much because the answer came to me at the end of the week. A coworker called and needed some help. She is going to be the new seventh grade language arts teacher and is looking to change the current reading list. I listened to her with a grin on my face. She is going to become my new best friend. With time and small steps I will hopefully get her on board with inquiry based learning.
One of my first small steps is to give this teacher a list of possible books that she may use in the curriculum. I really want this to be an exceptional list. If anyone has suggestions, please send them my way.